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Interview with 'See See TV' actor - Chris Miller

Fear Crypt

How did you first break into the industry?

My first real break was gaining a BAFTA nomination for a short film I did with my brother (Russell) called Last Exit to Ricklesburgh back in 2014. I have also been part of a nationally broadcast podcast format TV show called May Contain Nuts which ran for two seasons.

Who/What inspires you as an actor?

To be honest, my main passion is music and sound. I would argue that my talents do not lie in my acting abilities! I agreed to play the main part in See See TV as we wanted eagerly to get the material out there using our friends and close contacts. Not to downplay the part too much though!

What was your best set moment on ’See See TV’?

My best moment was transporting the dummy murder victim along the street past various neighbours. I was pretending I was carrying a causality and rushing down the street. Probably just for the benefit of my own twisted sense of humour!

What sort of person is going to love this short?

I think anybody that likes a tense build up, where you know something bad is going to happen, and it does, but with a twist. I like a film that twists at the end, where you think you've got it all worked out, then something completely unexpected happens and knocks you off kilter. M. Night Shyamalan made this his trademark. Maybe something you don't want to get pigeon-holed for though, as the audience will always expect it.

What advice would you give aspiring actors?

This doesn't only apply to actors, but anybody trying to make it in this industry, and it's something that people have heard a hundred times before. But, keep making stuff! Put it out there. Even if it doesn't pay off the first few times. It's hard to persevere when there are so many other people doing it, but don't just give up. Most of the time, all it takes is one lucky break.

Where can we find more of your work?

You can watch our early nominated short here -

I also have music releases under the artist GreKanE which can be found here -

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